-The Lokomotiv stadium in Kemerovo hosted a free style relay (2 boys × 5 km, 2 girls × 3 km). Gold was taken by Far Eastern Federal District team.
-In the speed skating competition (team race for 3 laps), the Ural Federal District team took the first place among girls. Among young men - Siberian Federal district team.
-In speed skating: mass start 10 laps, the winner was Ms. Varvara Glukhova, Kazakhstan. Among the young men - Mr. Matvey Bazhanov, Ural Federal District.
-Hockey tournament of the 2nd Winter Children of Asia Games has ended. The Ural Federal District team became the champions. The second place was taken by the team Siberian Federal district team. Third place - the team of the Far Eastern Federal District.
-Souvenir coins of the Games are presented in Tomskaya Pisanitsa Museum. Anyone can make a coin with their own hands.