Children of Asia
International committee

The faces of the winners: the first day of skiing competitions in Mezhdurechensk has ended

The faces of the winners: the first day of skiing competitions in Mezhdurechensk has ended
Top News 28 February 2023

President of the Children of Asia  International Committee Mr. Vladimir Maksimov took part in the flower and medal awards in the giant slalom among girls.

- Gold for Ms. Sofia Gusarova, Siberian Federal District.

- Silver went to Ms. Ksenia Podlipchuk, Bashkortostan Republic.

- Bronze medal for Ms. Yana Polyanskaya, Siberian Federal District.

Medalists are honored twice at the Games. First, right at the competition site at the end of them, and in the evening at the medal awarding. And in the hands of our winners is a soft toy - a small lynx Tikhonya, who is the mascot of the Games.

Congratulations to everyone! Let these victories at the 2nd Winter Children of Asia International Sports Games become a springboard for everyone.