Children of Asia
International committee

Children of Asia International Committee and RADOCA develop joint pojects for antidoping in sports

Children of Asia International Committee and RADOCA develop joint pojects for antidoping in sports
Top News 11 September 2023

President of the Children of Asia International Committee Mr. Vladimir Maksimov and Director of the Regional Anti-Doping Organization for Central Asia (RADOCA) Ms. Venera Abdullah signed an agreement on cooperation for antidoping in sports.

The parties agreed to develop educational programs and events for young athletes participating in international competitions, as well as in preparation for the Children of Asia International Sports Games. 

RADOCA expresses a great interest in holding such events. The parties shared plans for the near future and assured that anti-doping education, including informing young athletes about ethical behavior, is one of the main aspects in every athlete's life.

Reference: RADOCA - Central Asian Regional Anti-Doping Organization is responsible for promoting and coordinating antidoping in sports in the following countries of Central Asia: Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.