The Government of the island region held a meeting on preparing and holding the 1st Winter Children of Asia International Sports Games in Sakhalin. The Governor of the region Mr. Oleg KOZHEMYAKO chaired the meeting. Heads of specialized ministries and departments of the region took part in discussion.
During the meeting, the list of organizing committee’s members was confirmed and the working groups that should be included in this committee were determined: for construction of facilities and preparation of competition venues, for accommodation and catering of athletes, for security and others.
- We will have a lot of preparatory work in the next six months. It is necessary everyone should be aware of the significance and scope of forthcoming events. It is necessary to realize everything planned and hold the International Games at the highest organizational level. This will give us a good advantage to represent Sakhalin region as a center of international tourism," - said the Governor Mr. Oleg KOZHEMYAKO addressing to the meeting’s participants.
Winter Children of Asia International Sports Games will be held in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk on February 8-17, 2019. Athletes will be competing in eight sports: alpine skiing, snowboard, biathlon, cross-country skiing, ski jumping, figure skating, short track and ice hockey.
- The main sports facilities that will host the International Games in 2019 will be Gorniy Vozdukh Sports and Tourist Complex, Kristall Ice Palace and Arena City Sports Complex. The new biathlon center will become a venue for competitions in skiing and biathlon. Parkovaya Mountain will host snowboarders, and K-70 springboard, which will become a modern complex with developed infrastructure after construction, will witness the start of flying skiers, - said the Minister of Sport and Youth Policy Mr. Sergei BURENKOV.
Sakhalin will welcome almost 2,000 participants. Representatives of united teams of Asia-Pacific region countries, regions of the Far Eastern, Siberian and Ural Federal Districts, as well as Moscow, the Republic of Tatarstan and the Republic of Bashkortostan will take part in competitions.
Press Service of the Governor of Sakhalin Region