On International Volunteer Day, we honor those who make the world a better place with their good deeds and selfless work. Children of Asia Games volunteers are real heroes who invest their time and energy into organizing the holiday of friendship and sports. Now we are sharing their stories, emotions, and inspiration with you.
Nonna Okhlopkova, Yakutsk
Hello everyone! At the recent 8th Children of Asia Games, I was a team leader of the Main Press Center volunteers. During that time we have become very close to each other and made friends. Thanks to the Children of Asia Games, I met many new people whom I keep in touch with to this day! Despite the challenges during the work, we coped with everything. Now I remember those days with a smile on my face. I am very grateful to have had such an invaluable experience and am happy to be a part of the history of the Games.
Elamrussi Shadi, Egypt
I volunteered at the Children of Asia Games as a translator and a medical assistant because I am the Red Cross certified first aid specialist and a 6th year student of the medical institute. Since i can speak three languages - Russian, English and Arabic, I was an attaché of some countries. And, of course, I was a presenter at events in the Athletes' Village. I have always been a volunteer in Egypt, but at the Games in Yakutsk I mainly provided medical assistance.
As for me, I love many things in Yakutsk. The food is delicious and there are kind people who are always hospitable and try to help. Of course, the weather here is very cold, but for me it is normal, not so cold, to be honest. The most important thing is to put on warm clothes.
During the Children of Asia Games, I made many new acquaintances and friends. The opening and closing ceremonies were the most memorable for me. It was a real celebration.
Vera Makarenko, Tyumen
We are so different, but we are united by one thing - love for good deeds. I was a volunteer at the Games in Kuzbass and Yakutsk. Thank you for the hospitality, warmth and new impressions. Thank you for having like-minded people nearby, walking the path of goodness. As a volunteer, you receive more than you give. These are the happy faces of children, a good time spent, help and support of other participants.
Volunteering is a significant and inseparable part of my life. Through the volunteer movement, I discovered the meaning of the outside world. People of different ages, nationalities, professions, social statuses are united by one thing - a desire to help, to give their time, resources to improve the lives of others. Peace and Goodness to all!
Masud, Oman
I was a volunteer in Kuzbass and Yakutsk this summer. I felt like I was in my second home. Like my family, the people here are so friendly and nice. Thank you all for all these days, for your feelings and emotions! I'm glad to meet you, you are all incredibly cool and positive. The event was bigger than I expected. It was well organized. I will miss the sweet smiles I received every day. Please continue to bring joy to everyone. I love and hug everyone!
Tina Sapunova, Novosibirsk
There are events in a volunteer's life that remain in memory forever, and for me these are the Children of Asia Games! I was incredibly lucky, I was a volunteer in 2023 at the Winter Games in Kuzbass, and in 2024 at the 8th Games in Yakutsk. The organization, the scale, the conditions for all participants and volunteers, the cultural program - everything is at the highest level. Unforgettable impressions!
I fell in love with Yakutsk, with the people living here. Huge thanks to everyone involved in organizing such a large-scale event, it's a lot of work. When people are united by one idea, one goal, there is always a commonality of interests and a desire to do their job as best as possible. Now I dream of further Games to feel this festive atmosphere again. Yakutia, I love you!
Alexander Kvardakov, Kemerovo
Hello everyone! I was a volunteer at the Winter Children of Asia Games in Kuzbass. I performed such tasks as meeting and seeing off delegations at the airport and train station, creating an atmosphere as the Games' mascot "Tikhonya" and taking photos with the participants, volunteers and spectators of the Games, participating in the opening ceremony and awards. This event is the most memorable in my volunteer activities, the brightest and most amazing. It is forever in my heart and on my wrist. For almost 2 years now, I have not taken off my blue Children of Asia bracelet that was presented on the opening day of the Games.