Children of Asia
International committee

Children of Asia International Committee established a volunteer's merit badge 

Children of Asia International Committee established a volunteer's merit badge 
Top News 06 April 2023

As a sign of gratitude to volunteers for their active work and overall contribution to development of Children of Asia Games, the Board of the Children of Asia International Committee established a volunteer's merit badge of the Children of Asia Games. It was previously announced during the 2nd Winter Childen of Asia International Sports Games. 

The merit badge will be awarded to volunteers who have been active for several years at Children of Asia International Sports Games. A bronze badge will be awarded to volunteers who participated in three Games, a silver badge will be awarded for volunteering at four Games, and a gold badge for participating in five or more Children of Asia Games.

“For the Committee, volunteers of the Games are an indicator of devotion and inclusion in our large family, the Children of Asia family. They are an integral part of it. That is why we have established a volunteer's merit badge which will be our recognition for those who invest their time, effort and devote their free time to development of Children of Asia International Games, - said Mr. Vladimir Maksimov, President of the Children of Asia International Committee.

The first ceremony of awarding badges will take place in 2024 during the 8th Children of Asia International Sports Games to be held in Yakutsk.