Children of Asia
International committee

CAGIC inspects preparation for CDM Seminar

CAGIC inspects preparation for CDM Seminar
Top News 04 March 2022

Representatives of the Children of Asia Games International Committee are on inspection visit in Kuzbass. This visit is conducted within preparation for the Chefs de Mission Seminar of the 2nd Winter Children of Asia Games. The organizing staff and representatives of the Children of Asia Games International Committee have visited social and sports venues in hosting cities of Mezhdurechensk and Novokuznetsk.

In Mezhdurechensk ski jumping boards and a new funicular are being reconstructed. Mezhdurechensk will be hosting ski jumping and alpine skiing competitions. In Novokuznetsk capital repair works of the stadium «Kuznetsk Metallurgists Sports Palace» are carried out where ice hockey and figure skating competitions will take place. Then the commission examined the ice complex «Kuznetskiy Led Arena».

According to the organizers, the distinctive feature of the Games in Kuzbass will be demonstrative competitions in snow volleyball and cyber sport. 

Ms. Sardaana Zhendrinskaia, Head of International Department, notes that the host cities are carrying out an active preparation for the upcoming Chefs de Mission Seminar. This event is of great importance in preparation for the upcoming 2nd Winter Children of Asia Games. The main goal of the Seminar is to familiarize the representatives of the countries and regions with a social and sports infrastructure of the Games. We are making every effort to provide high organizational level of the Games.