Children of Asia
International committee

Summit of Young Professionals: from idea to realization

Summit of Young Professionals: from idea to realization
Top News 25 September 2024

The 3rd International Summit of Young Professionals in Sports organized by the Children of Asia  International Committee in cooperation with the Department of Physical Education of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Kingdom of Thailand was held on March 3-7, 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand. The main topic of the Summit was to develop children's sports in Asia.

Vladimir Maksimov, President of the Children of Asia  International Committee:

- Three days of the Summit have passes unnoticed. We hope the program we have proposed and discussed with participants together will serve as an impetus for their even greater and rapid development. At the Summit, young specialists not only discussed current trends in children's sports, but also established valuable professional ties that contribute to further progress and development of sports in Asian countries.

The event was attended by young sports professionals from 18 to 35 years old from 21 countries: Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, Jordan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Russia, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka.

Niwat Limsuknirun, Director General of the Department of Physical Education of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Kingdom of Thailand:

- I am sincerely glad that we spent these three days together on the sidelines of the Summit. It is a great honor for us that the 3rd Summit was held in Bangkok and I am glad that we have found many new friends all over the continent. I thank the Children of Asia International Committee for all efforts in holding such an important event. I hope that we will continue to cooperate with you, forming new values and fresh ideas for development of children's sports.

During the Summit, discussions, lectures, workshops and practical exercises were conducted. There were aimed at sharing experiences and finding innovative approaches to the problems of children's sports training. The participants and lecturers of the Summit also presented projects they are implementing in their countries for the sake of children's sports as well as for possible further implementation for supporting children's sports in different Asia countries.

The International Summit of Young Professionals is a project of the Children of Asia International Committee aimed at training young  professionals in sports management. It provides future professionals with an opportunity to acquire the necessary knowledge and experience for further work in this field, as well as to meet colleagues from different countries.

The main distinguishing feature of the Summit is that it is the only international platform created exclusively for the cooperation of young professionals in the field of sports under the age of 35. The summit is an effective tool for interaction in sports and expands the possibilities of an host country's influence on future sports agenda.