Children of Asia
International committee

Children of Asia Games International Committee signed the Agreement on Biathlon development

Children of Asia Games International Committee signed the Agreement on Biathlon development
Top News 25 February 2019

The agreement was signed as part of the Anna Bogaliy-SKIMIR Cup on Sakhalin. Two-time Olympic champion in biathlon pays great attention to the development of the younger generation of athletes today. In 2018, the All-Russian Public Organization “Union for the Development and Support of Children’s and Youth Biathlon in Russia”, which includes representatives from 55 constituent entities of the Russian Federation was formed in order to work more efficiently.

 - I believe that in the future we will be able to help children better understand biathlon, we will be able to provide informational and educational support, and most importantly we will be able to help them achieve results in the 2nd Winter Children of Asia International Sports Games. We hope that we will be able to attract more countries to participate because of the agreement. The Games will be very exciting due to the agreement, - noted the President of the "Commonwealth" Ms. Anna BOGALIY.

The main purpose of the signing of the agreement is to promote and popularize biathlon in Asian countries, as well as to increase the level of professional training of all participants in the biathlon competitions at the International Children of Asia Games. The agreement will be valid until June 1, 2023.