The organization current head, four-time Olympic fencing champion Mr. Stanislav Pozdnyakov received unconditional support from the members of the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) and was unanimously re-elected for a new four-year term.
The post of General Director was retained by Mr. Vladimir Sengleev. He has been working in the Russian Olympic Committee since 2010, and in his current position since 2014.
Mr. Rodion Plitukhin was elected General Secretary of the Russian Olympic Committee. He has two higher educations - legal and economic. He has been working in the field of physical culture and sports since 2004. Member of the Russian Olympic Committee since 2017. From 2018 to the present day, he held the position of Deputy General Director - Head of the Office of the President of the Russian Olympic Committee.
Mr. Igor Levitin, Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation, was re-elected as the First Vice-President of the ROC.
The Vice-Presidents of the ROC for the next four years will be:
1. Mr. Vladimir Kozhin - President of the Winter Olympic Sports Association.
2. Mr. Gennady Timchenko - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Continental Hockey League.
3. Mr. Vasily Titov - President of the All-Russian Association of Summer Olympic Sports, President of the Artistic Gymnastics Federation of Russia.
4. Mr. Sergei Shishkarev - President of the Russian Handball Federation.