Children of Asia
International committee

Medals of the 2nd Winter Children of Asia International Sports Games presented in Kuzbass

Medals of the 2nd Winter Children of Asia International Sports Games presented in Kuzbass
Top News 21 February 2023

Today, the main international press center of the 2nd Winter Children of Asia International Sports Games hosted a presentation of the medals that will be awarded to the winners and prize-winners of the Children of Asia Games. The  presentation was held by the Director General of the Children of Asia International Committee Mr. Gavril Tsypandin and the Deputy director of Kuzbass regional center of sports facilities Mr. Nikolay Zakusilov. In total, 57 sets of awards in 10 sports will be played at the Games.

- At the 2nd Winter Children of Asia International Sports Games 57 sets of awards in 10 sports will be played. This year Games have two types of medals (Standard and small medals) because Alpine Skiing and Ice Hockey include 2 divisions: beginner and advanced levels. Moreover a demonstration sport of snow volleyball is included to the Games. Winners of gold medals in all sports, including demonstration sports, will also receive a champion badge along with the medal, said Mr. Gavril Tsypandin, Director General of the Children of Asia International Committee.

Medals made of high-strength metal alloy are made in the form of a round shape with protruding elements that follow the contours of the Games logo.  On the front side of the medal, the logo of the Games is depicted in the form of a hieroglyph-athlete, as a respect for the writing of the Asian cultures. It also symbolizes the power of movement. The reverse side of the medal is decorated with the logo of the Children of Asia International Committee.

In the center of the obverse of the medal, on the central disk, the logo of the Games is made with raised polished metal, below are the inscriptions Children of Asia, 2023 and Kuzbass.

The champion's badge is made of silver coated with gold. The commemorative sign is made in the form of the logo of the Children of Asia International Committee framed by an olive branch, as a symbol of peace and victory.