Children of Asia
International committee

Vladimir Maksimov took part in Expanded meeting of ROC Athletes Commission

Vladimir Maksimov took part in Expanded meeting of ROC Athletes Commission
Top News 15 September 2023

On September 14, the 4th Extended meeting of the ROC Athletes’ Commission opened at the HQ of the Russian Olympic Committee. President of the Children of Asia International Committee Mr. Vladimir Maksimov took part in the event that became a record by number of participants. More than 350 guests discussed current issues and exchanged opinions during a Plenary session and thematic round tables.

“The Children of Asia project is 27 years old; since 1996, we have been working very closely with Asia. Young athletes under 16 participate in the Games in many sports and in most cases this is their first international competition. The organization of the Games is as close as possible to the Olympic Games, thus we accustom children to the format of adult competitions. Also during the Games we hold many intercultural events that give children from different countries an opportunity to learn the culture of each other’s countries and find new friends. In addition, we founded the Children of Asia Union of Games Alumni - these are those athletes who went through the Games and today are Olympic champions and world champions, etc. Thanks to the Alumni Union, we will be able to establish a direct dialogue between experiences athletes and beginners,” Mr. Vladimir Maksimov said in his speech.

Mr. Vladimir Maksimov invited all guests of the meeting to attend the 8th Children of Asia International Sports Games to be held next year in Yakutsk. About 2.5 thousand athletes from 25 Asian countries are expected at the upcoming Games.