Children of Asia
International committee
Summit Decor
I Summit (Sochi, Russia 2017)

I Summit of Young Professionals in Sport

The International Summit of Young Professionals in Sport was held for the first time from October 14 to 20 in 2017. The Children of Asia International Committee together with the Russian Olympic Committee organized it as part of the World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi. It was attended by representatives of 16 countries such as Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bhutan, Cambodia, France, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Russia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. The main agenda of the I summit was the development of mass sports. Among the speakers were representatives of National Olympic Committees and other sports structures. At the summit, the participants not only discussed with invited experts and colleagues, but also presented their own already implemented projects and those projects that were developed during the summit.